Federated Hermes

Federated Hermes

The manager believes that delivering positive returns depends not just on researching individual companies, but also on identifying the right bond among the many issued by that company. This philosophy has been used since the investment team first worked together in 2004 and has stood the test of time. The team starts by investigating the influences on the bond markets including fundamental factors like the state of the global economy and how much risk investors are willing to take. They use this research to narrow down the choice of investments. The fund tends to target larger companies because they issue a wider range of bonds. The fund is not limited to investing in the largest bond markets in the US and Europe, it also looks for investment opportunities in emerging markets. This allows the fund to further diversify its holdings and to avoid markets that the manager believes are overvalued. The fund is actively managed and the manager has full discretion when choosing assets to invest in (in-line with the fund’s investment objectives).

What does Federated Hermes manage for Omnis?

Omnis Absolute Return Bond Fund