Omnis Global Bond Fund

Investment Objective

The Fund aims to achieve a return consisting of a combination of income and capital growth which exceeds that of the ICE BoAML Global Broad Market TR Index, after all fees and expenses, over a five-year rolling period.

Western Asset’s investment process is built upon a long-term fundamental value investing philosophy that uses multiple diversified strategies—and this has not changed since the Firm’s founding in 1971. The investment process acts as a conduit to generate fundamental value-driven investment ideas from their team of investment professionals. The best ideas from each of the regional and sector teams get implemented across portfolios at the discretion of the Global Portfolios Team. Western Asset's consensus-driven approach acts as a very thorough system of checks and balances, as all decisions are exposed to the input and scrutiny of all team members. This ensures their investment philosophy is permanently intertwined with the investment process.

The strategic goal at Western Asset is to add value to client portfolios while adhering to a disciplined risk-control process. The investment management team seeks to exceed benchmark returns while approximating appropriate risk tolerances. The Firm’s investment process combines traditional analysis with innovative technology applied to all sectors of the market. Western Asset believes inefficiencies exist in the fixed-income markets and attempts to add incremental value by exploiting these inefficiencies across all eligible market sectors.

Key Fund Facts


A seasoned investment team focused on adding value from the entire fixed income opportunity set of duration, yield curve, country allocation, currency and credit strategies.

Performance record

The Western Asset Management team has a proven ability to add value throughout the fixed income cycle, having produced superior risk-adjusted returns with a low correlation to other asset classes. Past performance is not a guide to future performance and may not be repeated.

Investment Policy

The Fund intends to invest (directly or indirectly) at least 70% in non-Sterling denominated government and non-government fixed and variable interest rate securities.

The Fund may also invest in other transferable securities (for example, Sterling denominated fixed and variable interest rate securities), units in collective investment schemes, (including exchange traded funds and other schemes managed by the ACD or its associates) money market instruments, deposits, warrants, cash, near cash and deposits as detailed in the Prospectus.

Use may also be made of stock lending, temporary borrowing and cash holdings.

Derivatives may be used for both investment purposes and for efficient portfolio management.

Exchange rate fluctuations may cause the value of your investment to go down as well as up.