Multi-Manager Cautious

Investment Objective

The Fund aims to achieve a return, over a five year rolling period and after all fees and expenses, consisting primarily of capital growth (and potentially a low level of income) which exceeds a composite benchmark based on the FTSE All Share TR Index (20%), Russell 1000 TR Index (10%), MSCI Daily (ex UK) EAFE TR Index (10%), SONIA GBP (10%), ICE BoAML Global Broad Market TR Index (15%) and ICE BoAML Sterling Broad Market TR Index (35%).

It is expected that exposure to cash, cash equivalents and fixed income investments will make up the majority of the Fund’s assets. However, investments will not be confined to any particular sector.

The Omnis Multi-Manager funds are managed by experts from a single firm, the highly-regarded and award-winning PineBridge Investments.

Our three risk-rated funds, which aim to achieve capital growth, invest primarily in collective investment schemes and may also invest in transferable securities, money market instruments, warrants and deposits. Use may also be made of stock lending, temporary borrowing and cash holdings, and derivatives may also be used for the purposes of hedging and efficient portfolio management.

The investment approach taken by PineBridge, also known as 'fund of funds', offers two key benefits:

  • your money is spread broadly across different types of assets and different markets worldwide, all of which helps to reduce risk when compared to less well-diversified investments.

The Multi-Manager funds are divided into different risk categories to fit the investor's risk profile from the outset.