Managed Balanced

Investment Objective

The Fund aims to achieve a return, over a five year rolling period and after all fees and expenses, consisting primarily of capital growth (and potentially a low level of income) which exceeds a composite benchmark based on the FTSE All Share TR Index (30%), Russell 1000 TR Index (15%), MSCI Daily (ex UK) EAFE TR Index (15%), MSCI Daily Net EM TR Index (10%), SONIA GBP (5%), ICE BoAML Global Broad Market TR Index (5%) and ICE BoAML Sterling Broad Market TR Index (20%).

It is expected that there will be an emphasis on exposure to equities and fixed interest investments. However, investments will not be confined to any particular sector.

By investing in a wide range of different investment assets, the fund managers aim to limit the risks associated with any one type of asset. It follows one of the oldest principles of investment, summed up by the old saying that you should not put all of your eggs in one basket.

A managed fund is simply a fund which usually invests in a wide range of asset classes and underlying stocks, but where a single fund manager makes the decisions about both. The Omnis Managed funds, which aim to achieve capital growth, invest in:

  • collective investment schemes
  • transferable securities
  • money market instruments
  • warrants
  • deposits

What’s more, they can potentially invest in all these things all over the world.

Use may also be made of stock lending, temporary borrowing and cash holdings. Derivatives may also be used for the purposes of hedging and efficient portfolio management.

Needless to say, if you are choosing a single firm to manage global funds, it will need to be a large global firm with expertise in all kinds of assets and access to a wide range of funds. That’s why we have chosen Columbia Threadneedle to run ours.