Concerned on the current market conditions?

Concerned on the current market conditions?

The Bulls beat the Bears

You may get concerned when markets fall because they are losing value, but if we look at markets over the medium to long term, movements up or down are consistent.

The attached document shows that periods of growth 'Bull markets', are longer and more valuable than periods of downfall 'Bear markets'.

This means that the returns you make in bull markets far exceed the losses of bear markets. Nobody knows when we will move from bear-to-bull and bull-to-bear, so whilst markets feel scary right now, over the long-term markets do turn around.

Download the graph here.

Invest now or sit on cash?

If you are worried about investing now, a monthly savings plan could take the ‘timing’ decision out of the discussion.

The attached information shows you the impact of potentially investing straight away or waiting for a couple of years for markets to ‘calm down’ compared to splitting the investment and making monthly savings.

Through a regular saving plan, you would be benefiting from; the worry of choosing when to invest, concern if the market falls and your investment has lost value, but if the market does fall you will be investing at a lower price so benefiting in the growth in the market.

Download the graph here.